Monday, 11 May 2009

Describe the stages in the recruitment and selection process

The first stage in the recruitment process is to identify a job vacancy. People may retire, leave for another company or gain promotion within the organisation.

Once we have identified a need for a vacancy the Human Resources Department would create an application pack for candidates. Included in this would be two documents: Job Description and Person Specification.

The Job Description document details job title, salary, duties and responsibilities of the position, whereas Person Spec displays the skills and qualifications required by the ideal candidate. The qualities can be divided into ESSENTIAL and DESIRABLE. Essential are the basic requirements of the position eg Teachers need to have a degree in their subject, whereas Desirable would be qualities that would be an advantage, such as a Teacher being qualified in more than one subject.

Following on from the application pack, the job has to be advertised. The organisation must decide whether to advertise internally (within the organisation) or externally (outwith the organisation).

Internal recruitment is financially cheaper than external recruitment and you know the candidates as they already work for you. On the other hand, external recruitment offers a wider pool of skills/candidates which may bring new ideas into the company. External recruitment is time consuming since time has to be taken to agree the advert, publish it and then set a deadline for application returns.

Candidates are asked to fill out application forms which are the first opportunity for candidates to answer questions set by the company. CVs may be used at this stage which are returned to the company.

The firm then filter out poor candidates based on their responses in the application form. They compare their skills and experiences with what was laid out in the Job Description and the Person Specification.

Next the leet is arranged. This is when candidates who are being invited for interview are sent a letter informing them of the time, date and venue of the interview.

At interview, all candidates are asked the same questions which help identify who would best fit into the organisation.

Other selection methods that may be used include:
Assessment Centres

Tests may test a candidates intellectual ability (IQ test) or their physical fitness.

Assessment centres are normally only used for high powered jobs. They are very expensive and are usually 2-day residential courses where every aspect of managerial skills are tested such as problem solving, prioritising, leadership, and communication skills.

Once the interviews are completed the panel meet together to decide who was the best candidate. Then once they have made their decision the candidate is informed by telephone or letter that they are successful. The candidate can still turn the job down at this point, and if they do so, the job then is offered to the next best candidate.

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