Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Pupil Questionnaire

I have emailed you a Pupil Questionnaire, which is to be used both for target setting and as a self-evaluation tool.

It is not anonymous, as I am looking for people's strengths and areas for improvement.

Please do not feel threatened, but be rather be honest and truthful.

If there are areas to improve we will look at strategies to bridge the gap and take into account the way you learn best.

Web Based Notes

I have decided to save copies of the Core Notes on the network as webpages.

Any important materials will be uploaded onto the blog or emailed to you.

AB Test

I have decided that the AB Test will be held on Tuesday 18th of November in X2 and then X3 during the double period.

The AB Test is an important tool in order to focus you on the job at hand, which being totally brutal is passing exams.

Take the Test seriously, as while it is not a Nab, it will be used to consider the level you should take the Prelim.

As I have said before, I expect you to read between classes and take an interest in Business news, either on TV or on the net.

JumpUp Small Business Stories

Start a Business with JumpUp.com
Role Of Manager
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: management business)
Methods Of Production
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: education operations)